Monday, March 9, 2015

Introduction to this Blog

Hi, my name is Tiffany Wiriyaphanich. I'm in a Musics of the World: Asia class and we cover China, Japan, and Korea. We've learned about music but also discuss other aspects of the culture such as politics, other art forms like dance and theater, and religion. We also learned about people from different countries interacting and spreading culture. While China, Japan, and Korea were definitely interesting countries and a lot more can be learned, I wanted to take the spreading culture idea and make it more personal. One of the topics we touched on was migration and diaspora and how people took music with them where they went. I am a mix of Indonesian, Thai, and Chinese, so I thought about the migrations from China to Indonesia and Thailand and if musical ideas got transferred as well.

[Spoiler alert] They did.

I would briefly like to explain the things I will be talking about in my blog; an overview if you will.

1. Ensembles: I talk about the main ensemble(s) of each country (their past and present functions) and mention the instruments involved with them. I will also have video examples.

2. Instruments: I will discuss the instruments in more detail and compare them to the original form of the instrument or the instrument that inspired the development of the present form if available.

3. Cultural Influences: I will summarize the cultures that had an impact on Indonesian and Thai music culture and the ways ideas could have spread.

4. Conclusion: Lastly, I will conclude this blog with a post of what I've learned about this subject and process.

So, that's what this blog is about. Thanks for reading!

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