Monday, March 9, 2015

Ensemble- Indonesian


Gamelan is an Indonesian ensemble comprised of gongs and metallophones and sometimes a flute, 2-stringed fiddle, or vocalist for the melody. The first evidence of gamelan instruments come from stone carvings in Borobudur, a central Java temple, from 800AD. They were carvings of xylophone instruments. Gong carvings, the instrument more associated with gamelan, were found in the 13th and 14th centuries. They are thought to have originated from China. Though Java was where this ensemble started, Bali is now the place known for gamelan. Gamelan came to Bali in the 16th century (1). 

This music used to be associated with temples and court music however,is not associated with courts anymore after they fell with Dutch colonialism (2). In present day, gamelan ensembles perform for religious ceremonies, secular ceremonies (weddings, funerals, birthdays), social events, and theatrical accompaniment (3). Gamelan is also sometimes played in a concert setting since it has been gaining popularity worldwide. 

The polyphonic texture, repetitive sections, and "exotic" scales of gamelan has captured the attention of Western countries such as America, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Some universities, such as UC Davis, have acquired gamelan instruments and have started their own ensembles (4). 

Here is an video of the UC Davis Gamelan Ensemble (5):

In this video, one can hear the melody being carried out primarily by metallophones (bronze xylophones) in the front and it being accentuated by the smaller gongs on the right. The tempo is dictated by the double-headed drum in the middle.

Here is an example of gamelan being used as theatrical accompaniment (6):

There has also been gamelan in popular culture such as this DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) song featuring gamelan (the music is probably attractive because of it's strong reliance on percussion) (7):

There are also gamelan covers of popular Western songs displaying the fusion of Eastern and Western music. Here is a Rihanna's "Diamond" being played with gamelan instruments (8):

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